Plane Crashes- Will you ever fly again?

Bruce Mena-Sierra
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

Stiff by Mary Roach dedicates its fifth chapter to plane crashes and the analysis of cadavers in those planes to help find the cause of the plane crash. All in all, the chapter causes unease when thinking about taking a plane ever again. However, how common are plane crashes?

According to The International Air Transport Association (IATA), “the 2011 accident rate for Western-built jets was the lowest in aviation history, surpassing the previous mark set in 2010” (Global). Also, according to an article by The Guardian, “flying has become safer over the last two decades. Between 2001 and 2010 the accident rate was cut by 42%, and two decades ago there were around 2,000 deaths and 250 crashes per year” (Owen). So, flights are much safer now than they were when Stiff was written. It was a little worrying to read Dennis’ feelings towards flights, but it’s clear that the safety of flying has increased over time.

The reality is, even though there have been some high profile crashes in the news in recent years, with the amount of flights that occur, there are bound to be accidents. For the most part, however, it seems like you’ll be safe boarding your plane going towards a relaxing trip. I suggest Dennis’ advice of, “Sit near an emergency exit. Get down low, below the heat and smoke. Hold your breath as long as long as you can” (Roach 127). Knowing this, you’re already at better odds to survive a very unlikely plane crash!


“Global Accident Rate Reaches New Low — Regional Challenges Remain.” IATA, The International Air Transport Association, 6 Mar. 2012,

Owen, Paul. “How Common Are Plane Crashes?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 24 July 2014,

Roach, Mary. STIFF: the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. W W Norton, 2021.



Bruce Mena-Sierra

Hello! My name is Bruce Mena-Sierra and I am a senior at Truman State University. I'm an English major and this blog is about all things humor! :)